Monday, April 30, 2012

11 Important Database designing rules

Rule 1:- What is the Nature of the application(OLTP or OLAP)?
Rule 2:- Break your data in to logical pieces, make life simpler
Rule 3:- Do not get overdosed with rule 2
Rule 4:- Treat duplicate non-uniform data as your biggest enemy
Rule 5:- Watch for data separated by separators.
Rule 6:- Watch for partial dependencies.
Rule 7:- Choose derived columns preciously
Rule 8:- Do not be hard on avoidingredundancy, if performance is the key
Rule 9:- Multidimensional data is a different beast altogether
Rule 10:- Centralize name value table design
Rule 11:- For unlimited hierarchical data self-reference PK and FK


Courtesy: - Image from Motion pictures
Before you start reading this article let me confirm that I am not a guru in database designing. The below 11 points which are listed are points which I have learnt via projects, my own experiences and my own reading. I personally think it has helped me a lot when it comes to DB designing. Any criticism welcome.
The reason why I am writing a full blown article is, when developers sit for designing a database they tend to follow the three normal forms like a silver bullet. They tend to think normalization is the only way of designing. Due this mind set they sometimes hit road blocks as the project moves ahead.
In case you are new to normalization, then click and see 3 normal forms in action which explains all three normal forms step by step.
Said and done normalization rules are important guidelines but taking them as a mark on stone is calling for troubles. Below are my own 11 rules which I remember on the top head while doing DB design.
Rule 1:- What is the Nature of the application(OLTP or OLAP)?
When you start your database design the first thing to analyze is what is the natureof theapplication you are designing for, is it Transactional or Analytical. You will find many developers by default applying normalization rules without thinking about the nature of the application and then later getting in to performance and customization issues. As said there are 2 kinds of applications transaction based and analytical based,let's understand what these types are.
Transactional: - In this kind of application your end user is more interested in CRUD i.e. Creating, reading, updating and deleting records. The official name for such kind of database is called as OLTP.
Analytical: -In these kinds of applications your end user is more interested in Analysis, reporting, forecasting etc. These kinds of databases have less number of inserts and updates. The main intention here is to fetch and analyze data as fast as possible. The official name for such kind of databases is OLAP.
So in other words if you think insert, updates and deletes are more prominent then go for normalized table design or else create a flat denormalized database structure.
Below is a simple diagram which shows how the names and address in the left hand side is a simple normalized table and by applying denormalized structure how we have created a flat table structure.
Rule 2:- Break your data in to logical pieces, make life simpler
This rule is actually the 1st rule from 1st normal formal. One of the signs of violation of this rule is if your queries are using too many string parsing functions like substring, charindexetc , probably this rule needs to be applied.
For instance you can see the below table which has student names , if you ever want to query student name who is having "Koirala" and not "Harisingh" , you can imagine what kind of query you can end up with.
So the better approach would be to break this field in to further logical pieces so that we can write clean and optimal queries.
Rule 3:- Do not get overdosed with rule 2
Developers are cute creatures. If you tell them this is the way, they keep doing it; well they overdo it leading to unwanted consequences. This also applies to rule 2 which we just talked above. When you think about decomposing, give a pause and ask yourself is it needed. As said the decomposition should be logical.
For instance you can see the phone number field; it's rare that you will operate on ISD codes of phone number separately(Until your application demands it). So it would be wise decision to just leave it as it can lead to more complications.
Rule 4:- Treat duplicate non-uniform data as your biggest enemy
Focus and refactor duplicate data. My personal worry about duplicate data is not that it takes hard disk space, but the confusion it creates.
For instance in the below diagram you can see "5th Standard" and "Fifth standard" means the same. Now you can say due to bad data entry or poor validation the data has come in to your system. Now if you ever want toderive a report they would show them as different entities which is very confusing from end user point of view.
One of the solutions would be to move the data in to a different master table altogether and refer then via foreign keys. You can see in the below figure how we have created a new master table called as "Standards" and linked the same using a simple foreign key.
Rule 5:- Watch for data separated by separators.
The second rule of 1st normal form says avoid repeating groups. One of the examples of repeating groups is explained in the below diagram. If you see the syllabus field closely, in one field we have too much data stuffed.These kinds of fields are termed as "Repeating groups". If we have to manipulate this data, the query would be complex and also I doubt performance of the queries.
These kinds of columns which have data stuffed with separator's need special attention and a better approach would be to move that field to a different table and link the same with keys for better management.
So now let's apply the second rule of 1st normal form "Avoid repeating groups". You can see in the above figure I have created a separate syllabus table and then made a many-to-many relationship with the subject table.
With this approach the syllabus field in the main table is no more repeating and having data separators.
Rule 6:- Watch for partial dependencies.
Watch for fields which are depending partially on primary keys. For instance in the above table we can see primary key is created on roll number and standard. Now watch the syllabus field closely. Syllabus field is associated with a standard and not with a student directly (roll number).
Syllabus is associated with the standard in which the student is studying and not directly with the student. So if tomorrow we want to update syllabus we have to update for each student which is pain staking and not logical. It makes more sense to move these fields out and associate them with the standard table.
You can see how we have move the syllabus field and attached the same to standards table.
This rule is nothing but second normal form "All keys should depend on the full primary key and not partially".
Rule 7:- Choose derived columns preciously
If you are working on OLTP applications must be getting rid of derive columns would be good thought, until there is some pressing reason of performance. In case of OLAP where we do lot of summations, calculations these kinds of fields are necessary to gain performance.
In the above figure you can see how average field is dependent on marks and subject. This is also one of form of redundancy. So for such kind of fields which are derived from other fields give a thought are they really necessary.
This rule is also termed as 3rd normal form "No columns should depend on other non-primary key columns". My personal thought is do not apply this rule blindly see the situation; it's not that redundant data is always bad. If the redundant data is calculative data , see the situation and then decide do you want to implement the third normal form.
Rule 8:- Do not be hard on avoidingredundancy, if performance is the key
Do not make it a strict rule that you will always avoid redundancy. If there is a pressing need of performance think about de-normalization. In normalization you need to make joins with many table and in denormalization the joins reduces and thus increasing performance.
Rule 9:- Multidimensional data is a different beast altogether
OLAP projects mostly deal with multidimensional data. For instance you can see the below figure, you would like to get sales as per country, customer and date. In simple words you are looking at sales figure which have 3 intersections of dimension data.
For such kind of situations a dimension and fact design is a better approach. In simple words you can create a simple central sales fact table which has the sales amount field and he makes a connection with all dimension tables using a foreign key relationship.
Rule 10:- Centralize name value table design
Many times I have come across name value tables. Name and value tables means it has key and some data associated with the key. For instance in the below figure you can see we have currency table and country table. If you watch the data closely they actually only have Key and value.
For such kind of table creating one central table and differentiating the data by using a type field makes more sense.
Rule 11:- For unlimited hierarchical data self-reference PK and FK
Many times we come across data with unlimited parent child hierarchy. For instance consider a Multi-level marketing scenario where one sales person can have multiple sales people below them. For such kind of scenarios using a self-referencing primary key and foreign key will help to achieve the same.
This article is not meant to say that do not follow normal forms , but do not follow them blindly , look at your project nature and type of data you are dealing with.
Out of full respect, below is a video which explains 3 normal forms step by step using a simple school table.
You can also visit my site for step by step videos on Design Patterns, UML, SharePoint 2010, .NET Fundamentals, VSTS, UML, SQL Server, MVC and lot more.

Data Binding in WPF DataGrid Control Using SQL Server Database

Displaying data in a grid is a common task in a Windows application. In a Windows application we use a DataGridView control for this task. In WPF we can use a DataGrid control. In this article we will display the contents of an Employee table of Pubs database in a WPF DataGrid control.
Step 1:
Create a new WPF Application.
Note: I am using Visual C# 2010 Express.
Step 2:
Add a new "Application Configuration File" with the named "App.config" and your connection string.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add name="ConString" connectionString="Data Source=deepak\SQLExpress; User Id=YourUserName; Password=YourPassword; Initial Catalog=Pubs;"/>
</configuration> Step 3:
Add a reference to the System.Configuration dll using Add Reference dialog box so that we can access our connection string from code behind. And add the following namespaces in the MainWindow.xaml.cs file:
using System.Configuration;
System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;
Step 4:
Add a DataGrid control in the MainWindow.xaml file:
    <DataGrid Name="grdEmployee" />
Write the following code in MainWindow.xaml.cs to bind data.
public MainWindow()
private void FillDataGrid()
    string ConString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConString"].ConnectionString;
    string CmdString = string.Empty;
    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConString))
        CmdString = "SELECT emp_id, fname, lname, hire_date FROM Employee";
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(CmdString, con);
        SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
        DataTable dt = new DataTable("Employee");
        grdEmployee.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView;
Here first we loaded the Employee database table in a DataTable object and then bound it to the DataGrid's ItemsSource property.
Step 5:
After running the application we get the following output:
ItemsSource does it all for us. It displays all the data in the underlying data source. But it has some limitations, such as the header of the columns are the same as the database table column names. To give a column's header a user-defined name you can add the following code in the MainWindow.xaml file:
<DataGrid Name="grdEmployee" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="Employee ID" Width="100" Binding="{Binding emp_id}"/>
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="First Name" Width="100" Binding="{Binding fname}"/>
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="Last Name" Width="100" Binding="{Binding lname}"/>
        <DataGridTextColumn Header="Hire Date" Width="100" Binding="{Binding hire_date}"/>
Final Output:

Programmable Web

This chapter has been excerpted from book "Essential Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): For .NET Framework" with permission from Addison-Wesley"
The new Web programming capabilities in WCF simplify the building of services for use on the Web. This chapter covers these services, including SOAP, POX, the UriTemplate class, the webHttpBinding binding, configuration-free hosting, and content syndication models.
PROGRAMMABLE WEB REFERS to a set of enabling technologies designed to help developers build the services for the Web. There are many ways of building services for the Web. We have already mentioned throughout the book how WCF can be used to build WS-* Web services, which use SOAP, HTTP, and XML. Services based on WS-* are typically built using a service-oriented architecture approach.
A service-oriented architecture approach follows four main tenants:
Services can be built from other styles of architectures, such as Representational State Transfer (REST). REST is an architectural style described in a dissertation from Roy Fielding (see REST follows a set of principles that are based on constraints:
  • A client/server approach is used to separate user interface from data storage.
  • Client/server interaction is stateless.
  • Network efficiency is improved using caching.
  • Components of the system interact using a uniform interface.
  • The overall system can be composed using a layering approach.
The REST architectural style is often referred to as the architectural style of the Web because the constraints can easily be seen in modern Web architectures. We mention service orientation and REST because these are two common architectural styles for building services on the Web today. It is important to understand that WCF does not dictate the architectural style or manner in which to build services. Instead it exposes a set of features and capabilities that allow you to build services using a variety of architectural styles. The rest of this chapter will focus on the features that help developers build services for the Web. To help understand the motivation behind these new features, we will examine how developers use the Web today.

All About the URI

Most everyone should be familiar with URIs because this is how people browse the Web today. People access resources, such as HTML pages, via URIs typed into the address bar of their browsers. Browsers can access a variety of resources using URIs, including images, videos, data, applications, and more. Accessing of resources via a URI is also one of the principles behind the REST architectural style.
Table 13.1 shows several examples of resources on the Web that can be accessed in this manner.

Table 13.1. URI Examples

URI Description Microsoft (MSFT) stock quotes in comma-separated (CSV) format from Yahoo! Microsoft (MSFT) stock quote in custom JSON format from Google A Wikipedia Web page about "Apples" Weather information for Waltham, MA from News article on
Wall Street corporate events listing services (for example, stock splits, mergers, and so on) in JSON format Slashdot syndication feed in RSS format
Flickr photo search in custom XML format
Each of the examples specifies a URI that takes a set of parameters that identifies a resource to retrieve. Parameters are sent either as query strings or embedded as a part of the path of the URI. This means that the URI is used to identify, locate, and access resources. To better understand what we mean, we look at the URL used to retrieve stock quotes from Google. It is obvious from the following URL that the parameter q represents the stock symbol and is passed into the service as a query string parameter. 
What is not represented is whether this URL is accessed using an HTTP GET or some other HTTP action. For now, we will assume that GET is being used. The URL can be rewritten with a parameter for the stock symbol in place of the MSFT stock symbol. Using this simplification of the URL, we can identify a number of resources.{StockSymbol} 
This example helps form the basis for how we can identify and access resources on the Web.

The Ubiquitous GET

One thing in common with all the URIs in Table 13.1 is that they use the HTTP protocol to access resources. The HTTP protocol is considered the protocol of the Web. The original purpose of HTTP was to exchange HTML pages, but it has since been used to access all types of resources, including images, video, applications, and much more. The way in which it does this is by specifying a resource identifier and an action to be performed on that resource. URIs identify the resource. The action is defined by a set of HTTP verbs that specify the action to be performed on the resource. Table 13.2 shows a list of common HTTP verbs used on the Web today. There are many ways to interact with resources over the Web using the HTTP protocol, but none is as ubiquitous as GET. GET is by far the most widely used verb. POST comes in second, followed by other verbs such as PUT and DELETE.

Table 13.2. Common HTTP Verbs

Verb Description
GET Retrieve the resource identified by the URI.
POST Send a resource to the server based on the resource identified by the URI.
PUT Store a resource based on the resource identified by the URI.
DELETE Delete a resource based on the resource identified by the URI.
HEAD Identical to GET except that the response is not returned. This is used to retrieve metadata for the resource identified by the URI.
HTTP verbs form the basis for how we can interact with resources on the Web. GET is the most widely used HTTP verb because it is used to retrieve resources. HTTP verbs help to provide a uniform interface for interacting with resources, which is a constraint based on the REST architectural style.

Format Matters

The list of URIs in Table 13.1 demonstrates the vast number of formats available on the Web today. The content returned from these URIs includes HTML, XML, JSON, RSS, CSV, and custom formats. This means that developers have not found a single format that can represent all resources on the Web. For a while, it seemed that all roads would lead to XML as the single format. XML is a great mechanism for providing structure to data and for sharing information. For example, SOAP is a protocol for exchanging XML-based messages and is the foundation for traditional Web services. WCF provides support for the SOAP protocol. SOAP does more than provide structure to data, though. SOAP adds header information, which allows for advanced capabilities such as transport independence, message-level security, and transactions. Web developers are not necessarily concerned about such capabilities and need a way to exchange information. In these situations, formats such as Plain-Old-XML (POX) and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) are often used.
POX is usually about developers not needing the capabilities that WS-* has to offer and not wanting the perceived overhead of SOAP. In these situations, using POX is a "good enough" format for their needs. JSON, on the other hand, is an efficient format for returning data to browser clients that leverage JavaScript. JSON as a format is more efficient than SOAP and can offer significant performance and scalability benefits when you are trying to reduce the number of bytes on the wires. What this comes down to is that format matters, and developers need to be able to work with a number of formats when using the Web.

Web Programming with WCF

Table 13.3 highlights some of the major features available to developers when they use WCF and .NET Framework 3.5. The remainder of this chapter focuses on the features within WCF that help enable the "programmable Web."

Table 13.3. Web Programming Features in .NET Framework 3.5

Verb Description
Uri and UriTemplates Enhanced support for working with URIs to support REST architectural patterns.
webHttpBinding Binding A new binding that builds in support for POX and JSON, formal support for HTTP verbs including GET, and URI-based dispatching.
ASP.NET AJAX Integration Integration with ASP.NET AJAX to support client-side service proxies.
Content Syndication Classes for publishing and consuming RSS and ATOM syndication feeds.

URI and UriTemplates

Microsoft has provided support for URIs since .NET Framework v1.0. The System.Uri class allows developers to define and parse basic information within a URI. This class allows developers to access information such as the scheme, path, and hostname. This is great for passing a URI to Web clients such as the System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control or the System.Net.WebClient class. A companion to the System.Uri class is the System.UriBuilder class. This class provides a way to modify the System.Uri class without creating another System.Uri instance. These classes are the foundation for working with URIs based on the HTTP protocol. Additional capabilities are needed to support the REST architectural style used by developers today.

Table 13.1 showed that developers embed parameters in URIs as either query string parameters or as parts of the path. The System.Uri or System.UriBuilder classes do not allow building and parsing of URIs based on this approach. Another approach that has been used is to build and parse URIs based on patterns that specify named tokens. The tokens represent the parameters that are needed to build URIs using logical substitution. They also define how parameters can be parsed from URIs. .NET Framework 3.5 introduces a new class called the System.UriTemplate that provides a consistent way for building and parsing URIs based on patterns. This class defines a pattern based on named tokens. Tokens are represented in curly braces within a pattern. For example, the pattern /finance/info?q={symbol} specifies a stock symbol that is sent as a query string parameter. Named tokens can also be embedded as a part of the URI path and are not limited to query string parameters. For example, the following pattern, /browse/{word}, specifies a parameter within the URI path. System.Uri instances can be built or parsed based on these patterns. We will now examine how we can use the System.UriTemplate class do this.


Listing 13.1 shows two examples of how we can build System.Uri instances based on System.UriTemplate classes. The first example uses the BindByPosition method to create a System.Uri instance to retrieve Yahoo! stock quotes. The second example uses the BindByName method to pass a collection of name/value pairs to create a System.Uri instance to retrieve Google stock quotes.

Listing 13.1. Binding Parameters with UriTemplate

using System;using System.Collections.Specialized;
namespace EssentialWCF
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string symbol = "MSFT";
            // BindByPosition            Uri YahooStockBaseUri =
                new Uri("");
            UriTemplate YahooStockUriTemplate =
                new UriTemplate("/d/quotes?s={symbol}&f=sl1t1d1");
            Uri YahooStockUri =
            // BindByName            Uri GoogleStockBaseUri =
                new Uri("");
            UriTemplate GoogleStockUriTemplate =
                new UriTemplate("/finance/info?q={symbol}");
            NameValueCollection GoogleParams =
                new NameValueCollection();
            GoogleParams.Add("symbol", symbol);
            Uri GoogleStockUri =

Parsing URIs

We just saw how easy it was to create System.Uri instances based on patterns. Listing 13.2 shows how we can take existing URIs and parse out parameters. Again we have two examples. The first example shows how we can parse out parameters based on query string parameters. The second example shows how we can parse out parameters based on a path. In both cases, we are able to extract a set of name/value pairs based on a pattern. We will see in the "Creating Operations for the Web" section how the UriTemplate can be used to dispatch Web service methods based on URIs.

Listing 13.2. Matching Parameters with UriTemplate

using System;
namespace UriTemplate102
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Uri YahooBaseUri = new Uri("");
            UriTemplate YahooStockTemplate =
                new UriTemplate("/d/quotes?s={symbol}");

            Uri YahooStockUri =
        new Uri("");
            UriTemplateMatch match =
                YahooStockTemplate.Match(YahooBaseUri, YahooStockUri);

            foreach (string key in match.BoundVariables.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", key,

            Uri ReferenceDotComBaseUri =
                new Uri("");
            UriTemplate ReferenceDotComTemplate =
                new UriTemplate("/browse/{word}");

            Uri ReferenceDotComUri =
        new Uri("");
            match =
            foreach (string key in match.BoundVariables.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", key,

Creating Operations for the Web

Creating operations for the Web means that we will want to expose services based on URIs, encode messages without the overhead of SOAP, pass parameters using the HTTP protocol, and format data using JSON or POX. WCF provides the WebHttpBinding binding that supports these capabilities. The WebHttpBinding binding is constructed using two binding elements. The first binding element is a new message encoder called WebMessageEncodingBindingElement. This is a new binding element that allows for the encoding of messages using either JSON or POX. The second binding element is a transport binding element based on either the HttpTransportBindingElement or HttpsTransportBindingElement. These binding elements enable communication using the HTTP protocol. The HttpsTransportBindingElement binding element is used to support transport-level security.

Hosting Using WebHttpBinding

To examine how to use the WebHttpBinding binding, we will create a simple Echo Web service. We are going to keep this example simple because we will expand on how to use this binding later on in this chapter. Listing 13.3 shows the IEchoService interface. This interface defines a service contract that has a single operation contract called Echo. Notice that the Echo operation contract is also attributed with the WebGet attribute. This attribute tells the webHttpBinding binding to expose this operation over the HTTP protocol using the GET verb.

Listing 13.3. IEchoService Interface

using System;using System.ServiceModel;using System.ServiceModel.Web;
[ServiceContract]public interface IEchoService
    string Echo(string echoThis);
Listing 13.4 shows the EchoService class that implements the IEchoService interface. This class implements the Echo operation by taking the echoThis parameter and returning it to the client.

Listing 13.4. EchoService Class

using System;using System.ServiceModel;
public class EchoService : IEchoService
    #region IEchoService Members
    public string Echo(string echoThis)
        return string.Format("You sent this '{0}'.", echoThis);
The last thing needed is to host the EchoService service within IIS. Listing 13.5 shows the configuration file that allows us to host this service using the WebHttpBinding binding. The webHttpBinding configuration element exposes services using the WebHttpBinding binding. One important point is that the WebHttpBinding binding does not specify the format to expose services. Instead we need to use an endpoint behavior to specify the format returned from services exposed with the WebHttpBinding binding. Two endpoint behaviors can be used: WebHttpBehavior and WebScriptEnablingBehavior. The WebScriptEnablingBehavior behavior will be discussed in the section "Programming the Web with AJAX and JSON" later in this chapter. For now we will discuss the WebHttpBehavior behavior. The WebHttpBehavior endpoint behavior is used with the WebHttpBinding to format messages using either JSON or XML. The default for this behavior is to use XML.

Listing 13.5. EchoService Configuration

<system.serviceModel>  <services>    <service name="EchoService">      <endpoint address=""                behaviorConfiguration="WebBehavior"                binding="webHttpBinding" contract="IEchoService"/>    </service>  </services>  <behaviors>    <endpointBehaviors>      <behavior name="WebBehavior">        <webHttp />      </behavior>    </endpointBehaviors>  </behaviors></system.serviceModel>
Figure 13.1 shows the output from the EchoService service when exposed over the WebHttpBinding binding. Because we exposed the service using the WebGet attribute, we can call the service by typing the URI in a browser. The URI that was used is http://localhost/SimpleWebService/EchoService.svc/Echo?echoThis=helloworld.
Figure 13.1 Response in browser using WebHttpBinding binding

Using WebGet and WebInvoke

Services can be exposed using the WebHttpBinding binding using either the WebGet or WebInvoke attributes. Each of these attributes specifies the HTTP verb, message format, and body style needed to expose an operation. We will examine each of these attributes and reasons to use each.


The WebGet attribute exposes operations using the GET verb. The GET has significant advantages over other HTTP verbs. First, the endpoint is directly accessible via a Web browser by typing the URI to the service into the address bar. Parameters can be sent within the URI either as query string parameters or embedded in the URI. Second, clients and other downstream systems such as proxy servers can easily cache resources based on the cache policy for the service. Because of the caching capability, the WebGet attribute should be used only for retrieval.


The WebInvoke attribute exposes services using other HTTP verbs such as POST, PUT, and DELETE. The default is to use POST, but it can be changed by setting the Method property of the attribute. These operations are meant to modify resources; therefore, the WebInvoke attribute is used to make modifications to resources.

Listing 13.6 shows a service that defines services that are exposed in the WebGet and WebInvoke attributes. The WebGet attribute is used to retrieve customer information. The WebInvoke attribute is used for those operations that modify data such as adding or deleting customers. Last, the UriTemplate property is specified on WebGet and WebInvoke attribute to identify a customer resource using the URI.
Listing 13.6.

using System;using System.ServiceModel;using System.ServiceModel.Web;
namespace EssentialWCF
    public class CustomerService
        [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/customer/{id}")]
        public Customer GetCustomer(int id)
            Customer customer = null;
            // Get customer from database
            return customer;
        [WebInvoke(Method = "PUT", UriTemplate = "/customer/{id}")]
        public void PutCustomer(int id, Customer customer)
            // Put customer in database        }

        [WebInvoke(Method = "DELETE", UriTemplate = "/customer/{id}")]
        public void DeleteCustomer(int id)
            // Put customer in database        }

Programming the Web with AJAX and JSON

So far we have seen how to host services using the WebHttpBinding binding and the WebHttpBehavior endpoint behavior. This allows us to expose services using POX. Many Web developers want to forgo the use of XML and instead use JSON, a simpler format. JSON is well suited for browser applications that need an efficient means of parsing responses from services, and it has the added benefit of integration with JavaScript, the programming language most often used for client-side Web development. JSON is a subset of JavaScript's object literal notation, which means you can easily create objects in JavaScript. Because of this, it's a perfect alternative to using XML for use with AJAX applications.

AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX-based Web applications have significant benefits over traditional Web applications. They allow for improved user experience and better bandwidth usage. This is done by improving browser-to-server communication so that the browser does not need to perform a page load. This in turn is done by communicating with a server asynchronously using the JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest class. Because communication with the server can be done without the need for a page load, developers can create richer user interface experiences approaching that of desktop applications. These types of Web applications are often referred to as Rich Internet Applications, or RIAs.
ASP.NET AJAX Integration

Many frameworks exist for building these AJAX-based Web applications. One of the more popular frameworks is the ASP.NET AJAX framework. This framework has a great client-side and server-side model for building AJAX-enabled Web applications. It includes many capabilities such as a rich client-side class library, rich AJAX-enabled Web controls, and automatic client-side proxy generation for communication with services. It is also based on ASP.NET, which is Microsoft's technology for building Web applications using .NET. WCF already integrates with ASP.NET in .NET Framework 3.0. .NET Framework 3.5 introduces new support for ASP.NET AJAX applications using the WebScriptEnablingBehavior endpoint behavior. This replaces the WebHttpBehavior endpoint behavior. It adds support for using JSON by default and ASP.NET client-side proxy generation. These new capabilities can be used by replacing the webHttp endpoint behavior configuration element with the enableWebScript configuration element.
We created a sample ASP.NET AJAX application called the XBOX 360 Game Review to see how we can use the WebHttpBinding binding and the WebScriptEnablingBehavior to build AJAX-based applications. This simple Web application enables users to provide reviews about their favorite XBOX 360 game. The application was built using an ASP.NET AJAX Web site project template in Visual Studio 2008. Figure 13.2 shows a picture of this Web site.
Figure 13.2 XBOX 360 Game Review AJAX-enabled application
This site has a number of features. First is a list of games that is displayed in a ListBox control to the user. Users can select a game and see a list of comments for each game. Then a user can add comments for the each game. Listing 13.7 lists the service that provides this functionality.

Listing 13.7. GameReviewService.cs

using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Runtime.Serialization;using System.ServiceModel;using System.ServiceModel.Activation;using System.ServiceModel.Web;
namespace EssentialWCF
    [ServiceContract(Namespace = "EssentialWCF")]
    [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode =
    public class GameReviewService
        private string[] gamelist = new string[] { "Viva Pinata",
            "Star Wars Lego", "Spiderman Ultimate",
            "Gears of War", "Halo 2", "Halo 3" };
        private Dictionary<string, List<string>> reviews;
        public GameReviewService()
            reviews = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            foreach (string game in gamelist)
                reviews.Add(game, new List<string>());
        public string[] Games()
            return gamelist;
        public string[] Reviews(string game)
            WebOperationContext ctx = WebOperationContext.Current;
            if (!reviews.ContainsKey(game))
               return null;
             List<string> listOfReviews = reviews[game];
            if (listOfReviews.Count == 0)
                return new string[] {
                    string.Format("No reviews found for {0}.",game) };
            else                return listOfReviews.ToArray();
        public void AddReview(string game, string comment)
        public void ClearReviews(string game)

We chose to host this service within Internet Information Server (IIS). Listing 13.8 shows the GameReviewService.svc used to host the service.
Listing 13.8.

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true"Service="EssentialWCF.GameReviewService"CodeBehind="~/App_Code/GameReviewService.cs" %>
Listing 13.9 shows the configuration information used to host the GameReviewService. The most important aspect of this configuration information is the use of the webHttpBinding binding and the enableWebScript endpoint behavior. This enables the use of JSON and generates the necessary client-side proxy code for the GameReviewService with ASP.NET.

Listing 13.9. web.config

<system.serviceModel>    <serviceHostingEnvironment        aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>    <services>        <service name="EssentialWCF.GameReviewService"   behaviorConfiguration="MetadataBehavior">            <endpoint address=""                      behaviorConfiguration="AjaxBehavior"                      binding="webHttpBinding"                      contract="EssentialWCF.GameReviewService"/>            <endpoint address="mex"                    binding="mexHttpBinding"                    contract="IMetadataExchange"/>        </service>    </services>    <behaviors>        <endpointBehaviors>            <behavior name="AjaxBehavior">                <enableWebScript/>            </behavior>        </endpointBehaviors>        <serviceBehaviors>            <behavior name="MetadataBehavior">                <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"                                 httpGetUrl=""/>            </behavior>        </serviceBehaviors>    </behaviors></system.serviceModel>
You configure the GameReviewService to be used with ASP.NET by adding a reference to the service using the ASP.NET ScriptManager. Listing 13.10 shows the markup used to reference the GameReviewService. Behind the scenes this is generating client-side script that references a JavaScript file with the client-side proxy. For our example, the URI to the client-side JavaScript is http://localhost/GameReviewService/GameReviewService.svc/js.

Listing 13.10. Referencing Services Using ASP.NET ScriptManager

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">    <Services>        <asp:ServiceReference Path="GameReviewService.svc" />    </Services></asp:ScriptManager>
We have included the ASP.NET Web form used to build the XBOX 360 Game Review Web application. This shows how the services are called from client-side script and how the results are used to dynamically populate controls.

Listing 13.11. Making Client-Side Proxy Calls

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit"Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""">
html xmlns=""><head id="Head1" runat="server">    <title>XBOX 360 Game Reviews</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function pageLoad() {
body>    <form id="form1" runat="server">    <div>        <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">            <Services>                <asp:ServiceReference Path="GameReviewService.svc" />            </Services>        </asp:ScriptManager>
        <script type="text/javascript">        EssentialWCF.GameReviewService.set_defaultFailedCallback(OnError);
        function ListGames()
        function ListReviews()
            var gameListBox = document.getElementById("GameListBox");
        function AddReview()
            var gameListBox = document.getElementById("GameListBox");
            var reviewTextBox =
                  reviewTextBox.value, OnUpdateReviews);
        function ClearReviews()
            var gameListBox = document.getElementById("GameListBox");
        function OnListGamesComplete(result)
          var gameListBox = document.getElementById("GameListBox");
          ClearAndSetListBoxItems(gameListBox, result);
        function OnListReviewsComplete(result)
          var reviewListBox = document.getElementById("ReviewListBox");
          ClearAndSetListBoxItems(reviewListBox, result);
        function OnUpdateReviews(result)
        function ClearAndSetListBoxItems(listBox, games)
            for (var i = listBox.options.length-1; i >-1; i--)
                listBox.options[i] = null;
            var textValue;
            var optionItem;
            for (var j = 0; j < games.length; j++)
                   textValue = games[j];
                optionItem = new Option( textValue, textValue,
                false, false);
                listBox.options[listBox.length] = optionItem;
        function OnError(result)
          alert("Error: " + result.get_message());
        function OnLoad()

          var gameListBox = document.getElementById("GameListBox");
          if (gameListBox.attachEvent) {
            gameListBox.attachEvent("onchange", ListReviews);
          else {
            gameListBox.addEventListener("change", ListReviews, false);
        <h1>XBOX 360 Game Review</h1>        <table>        <tr style="height:250px;vertical-align:top"><td            style="width:240px">Select a game:<br /><asp:ListBox            ID="GameListBox" runat="server"            Width="100%"></asp:ListBox></td>            <td style="width:400px">Comments:<br /><asp:ListBox            ID="ReviewListBox" runat="server" Width="100%"            Height="100%"></asp:ListBox></td></tr>        <tr style="vertical-align:top"><td colspan="2">            Enter a comment:<br />            <asp:TextBox ID="ReviewTextBox" runat="server"            width="400px"></asp:TextBox>            <input id="AddReviewButton" type="button" value="Add"                onclick="AddReview()" />            <input id="ClearReviewButton" type="button" value="Clear"                onclick="ClearReviews()" />            </td></tr>            </table>    </div>    </form></body>

Using the WebOperationContext
One common thing to do when hosting services using the WebHttpBinding binding is to read or write to the HTTP context. This can be done using the WebOperationContext class. There are a variety of reasons to access the HTTP context. You might want to read custom authentication or authorization headers, control caching, or set the content type, for example.

Figure 13.3 shows a Web application that displays wallpaper images on the current machine. The entire application is built using a WCF service and is accessible using any Web browser.

Figure 13.3 Wallpaper Web application
Listing 13.12 shows code for the WallpaperService service. There is an Images operation that displays an HTML page of all images. This operation sets the ContentType header so that the browser interprets the output as HTML. It also sets the Cache-Control header so that additional images can be added to the application without the browser caching the display. Finally, there is an Image operation that returns an image to the browser. This operation sets both the ContentType and ETag header.

Listing 13.12. Wallpaper Image Service

using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Runtime.Serialization;using System.Text;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.ServiceModel;using System.ServiceModel.Activation;using System.ServiceModel.Web;
namespace EssentialWCF
    public class Image    {
        string name;
        string uri;
        public Image()
        public Image(string name, string uri)
   = name;
            this.uri = uri;
        public Image(string name, Uri uri)
   = name;
            this.uri = uri.ToString();
        public string Name
            get { return; }
            set { this.Name = value; }

        public string Uri
            get { return this.uri; }
            set { this.uri = value; }
    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode =
    public class WallpaperService    {
        private static UriTemplate ImageUriTemplate =
            new UriTemplate("/image/{name}");

        private string ImagePath
            get            {
                return @"C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper";
        private Image GetImage(string name, Uri baseUri)
            return new Image(name,
                new string[] { name }));
        private void PopulateListOfImages(List<Image> list,
                                          Uri baseUri)
            System.Web.HttpContext ctx =
            DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(ImagePath);
            FileInfo[] files = d.GetFiles("*.jpg");
            foreach (FileInfo f in files)
                string fileName = f.Name.Split(new char[] { '.' })[0];
                string etag = fileName + "_" +
                list.Add(GetImage(fileName, baseUri));
        [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/images")]
        public void Images()
            WebOperationContext wctx = WebOperationContext.Current;
            wctx.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "text/html";
            Uri baseUri =
            List<Image> listOfImages = new List<Image>();
            PopulateListOfImages(listOfImages, baseUri);
            TextWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            Html32TextWriter htmlWriter = new Html32TextWriter(sw);
            int i = 0;

            Image image;
            while (i < listOfImages.Count)
                image = listOfImages[i];
                htmlWriter.WriteAttribute("SRC", image.Uri);
                if (((i + 1) % 5) == 0)
            System.Web.HttpContext ctx =
        [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/image/{name}")]
        public void GetImage(string name)
            WebOperationContext wctx = WebOperationContext.Current;
            wctx.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
            System.Web.HttpContext ctx =

            string fileName = null;
            byte[] fileBytes = null;
            try            {
                fileName = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}.jpg",
                if (File.Exists(fileName))
                    using (FileStream f = File.OpenRead(fileName))
                        fileBytes = new byte[f.Length];
                        f.Read(fileBytes, 0,
                else                    wctx.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode =
            catch            {
                wctx.OutgoingResponse.StatusCode =
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);
            wctx.OutgoingResponse.ETag = fileName + "_" +
            ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(fileBytes, 0,
The following configuration in Listing 13.13 is used to host the WallpaperService service. The service is hosted using the WebHttpBinding binding and the WebHttpBehavior endpoint behavior.

Listing 13.13. Wallpaper Image Service Configuration

<system.serviceModel>  <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>  <services>    <service name="EssentialWCF.WallpaperService"             behaviorConfiguration="MetadataBehavior">      <endpoint address="" behaviorConfiguration="WebBehavior"                binding="webHttpBinding"                contract="EssentialWCF.WallpaperService"/>      <endpoint address="mex"                binding="mexHttpBinding"                contract="IMetadataExchange"/>    </service>  </services>  <behaviors>    <endpointBehaviors>      <behavior name="WebBehavior">        <webHttp />      </behavior>    </endpointBehaviors>    <serviceBehaviors>      <behavior name="MetadataBehavior">        <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" httpGetUrl="" />      </behavior>    </serviceBehaviors>  </behaviors></system.serviceModel>
Listing 13.14 shows the .svc file used to host the WallpaperService in IIS.

Listing 13.14. WallpaperService.svc

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true"Service="EssentialWCF.WallpaperService"CodeBehind="~/App_Code/WallpaperService.cs" %>

Hosting for the Web

Arguably one of the best improvements in WCF is the feature for hosting services on the Web. Prior to .NET Framework 3.5, you had to provide configuration or write code to host services. This was true even if you hosted your services within IIS. This became tedious for those hosting services on the Web. There are many capabilities offered by WCF to host services, but only a limited configuration was used by Web developers building services. For example, you would not expect an AJAX-based application to support multiple bindings, use message-level security, or require transactions. To simplify hosting of services, WCF introduced a feature called Configuration Free Hosting. This allows developers to host services without providing configuration or writing any code. The infrastructure for this feature was always a part of the hosting model within WCF. We will examine two ways to use this feature.


There is a new class available in the System.ServiceModel.Web namespace called the WebScriptServiceHost class. This class allows for self-hosting of services using the WebHttpBinding binding and the WebScriptEnablingBehavior endpoint behavior. The advantage to using this class over the ServiceHost class is that you do not have to provide any binding or behaviors to host a service.


Another class in the System.ServiceModel.Activation namespace, called the WebScriptServiceHostFactory class, is meant to be used with IIS hosting and .svc files. It allows for hosting of services in IIS using the WebHttpBinding binding and the WebScriptEnablingBehavior endpoint behavior without the need for configuration. Listing 13.15 shows an example of an .svc file that uses the WebScriptServiceHostFactory class. This is the same .svc file used to host the WallpaperService service shown in Listing 13.12. The advantage of this approach is that the configuration information shown in Listing 13.13 is no longer required to host the service.

NOTE: Configuration-Free Hosting for WebHttp

Two additional classes, called WebServiceHost and WebServiceHostFactory, host services using the WebHttpBinding binding and the WebHttpBehavior endpoint behavior. They offer the same configuration-free hosting capabilities as the WebScriptServiceHost and WebScriptServiceHostFactory classes.

Listing 13.15. WallpaperService.svc (Configuration Free)

<%@ ServiceHost Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.WebScriptServiceHostFactory"Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="EssentialWCF.WallpaperService"CodeBehind="~/App_Code/WallpaperService.cs" %>

Content Syndication with RSS and ATOM

RSS and ATOM are content syndication formats for the Web. These formats are used for all types of content syndication, such as news, video, and blogs. By far the widest use for these formats is for blogging. Since its initial popularity, RSS and ATOM have been used by every major Web site. WCF provides several mechanisms for working with RSS and ATOM syndication feeds. A new namespace, called System.ServiceModel.Syndication, contains classes for creating, consuming, and formatting syndication feeds based on RSS and ATOM. The core class for creating and consuming content syndication feeds is the SyndicationFeed class. Listing 13.16 shows an example application using this class to expose an RSS and ATOM. This application enumerates over a music collection and exposes the information using a syndication feed.

Listing 13.16. Zune Music Syndication

using System;using System.IO;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ServiceModel;using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;using System.ServiceModel.Web;
public class ZuneFeedService
    private static Uri LiveSearchBaseURI =
        new Uri("");
    private static UriTemplate LiveSearchTemplate =
        new UriTemplate(@"/results.aspx?q={terms}");
    private string MusicPath
        get        {
            return @"C:\Users\ricrane\Music\Zune";
    private SyndicationFeed ZuneFeed
        get        {
            SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed()
                Title =
                new TextSyndicationContent("My Zune Music Library"),
                Description =
                new TextSyndicationContent("My Zune Music Library")
            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(MusicPath);
            DirectoryInfo[] artists = di.GetDirectories();
            List<SyndicationItem> items = new List<SyndicationItem>();

            foreach (DirectoryInfo artist in artists)
                SyndicationItem item = new SyndicationItem()
                    Title =
new TextSyndicationContent(string.Format("Artist: {0}", artist.Name)),
                    Summary =
                        new TextSyndicationContent(artist.FullName),
                    PublishDate = DateTime.Now,
                    LastUpdatedTime = artist.LastAccessTime,
                    Copyright =
                        new TextSyndicationContent(@"Zune Library (c)")
                Uri searchUri =
LiveSearchTemplate.BindByPosition(LiveSearchBaseURI, artist.Name);
                item.Links.Add(new SyndicationLink(searchUri));
            feed.Items = items;
            return feed;
        public SyndicationFeedFormatter<SyndicationFeed>
                GetMusic(string format)
            SyndicationFeedFormatter<SyndicationFeed> output;
            if (format == "rss")
                output = new Rss20FeedFormatter(ZuneFeed);
            else                output = new Atom10FeedFormatter(ZuneFeed);
            return output;

Listing 13.17 shows the code to host the syndication service. The application self-hosts the service using the WebServiceHost class. It then consumes the service and outputs the feed to the display.

Listing 13.17. Zune Music Feed Console Application

using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Diagnostics;using System.ServiceModel;using System.ServiceModel.Description;using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;using System.ServiceModel.Web;
namespace ZuneFeed
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(ZuneFeedService),
                new Uri("http://localhost:8000/zune"));
            ServiceEndpoint atomEndpoint =
            new WebHttpBinding(), "feed");
            atomEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior());
            Console.WriteLine("Service host open");
            SyndicationFeed feed =
               new Uri("http://localhost:8000/zune/feed/?format=rss"));
            foreach (SyndicationItem item in feed.Items)
                Console.WriteLine("Artist: " + item.Title.Text);
                Console.WriteLine("Summary: " + item.Summary.Text);
            Console.WriteLine("Press [Enter] to exit.]");


The new Web programming capabilities in WCF simplify the building of services for use on the Web. They help Web developers get stuff done quickly in the manner that they wish to build and consume services for the Web. This means providing features that allow developers to work with the Web. The following summarizes those capabilities of WCF for the Web:
  • The .NET Framework 3.5 provides a new UriTemplate class that allows for the efficient parsing of URIs based on their path and a query component. The UriTemplate class is used by WCF in its Web programming model calls to services. 
  • Information can be exposed with WCF using a variety of serialization formats including SOAP and POX. .NET Framework 3.5 adds support for JSON as a serialization format.
  • An additional binding provided by WCF, called the webHttpBinding binding, exposes services using WCF's Web programming model.
  • The webHttpBinding binding is used with either the WebHttpBehavior or WebScriptEnablingBehavior endpoint behaviors. The WebHttpBehavior endpoint behavior is used to expose services using POX or JSON. The WebScriptEnablingBehavior endpoint behavior is using JSON with additional support for generating ASP.NET AJAX client proxies.
  • WCF provides a new hosting feature called configuration-free hosting. This feature allows services to be hosted in IIS without the need for configuration. Out of the box, WCF provides two classes that support configuration-free hosting: WebServiceHostFactory and WebScriptServiceHostFactory. The WebServiceHostFactory supports configuration-free hosting using the webHttpBinding binding and the WebHttpBehavior endpoint behavior. The WebScriptServiceHostFactory supports configuration-free hosting using the webHttpBinding binding and the WebScriptEnablingBehavior endpoint behavior.
  • WCF in .NET Framework 3.5 provides a rich extensible programming model for content syndication found in the System.ServiceModel.Syndication namespace. Support for both RSS and ATOM syndication feeds is included, using the Atom10FeedFormatter and Rss20FeedFormatter classes.