Thursday, April 26, 2012

Important HTTP error status

When there is a data transfer between a browser and a server, you can potentially see a number of errors displayed as response.
You must have seen 404 Not Found error but this is just one of the many HTTP error status you come across on internet.
Here, we provide a list of the most important HTTP status you should know,
  1. 400 HTTP Error When a server fail to understand the request sent by a user. It might display when a url is not following the HTTP Protocol or url has malformed after its sent by the browser.
  2. 401 HTTP Error A page needs username and password to access. It means that url is correct but the user must enter username and password to access that particular url.
  3. 402 HTTP Error Related to e-commerce (payment). Not in use at the moment.
  4. 403 HTTP Error Access to a webpage is forbidden due to some unknown reason. You might see this when a webpage is under maintenance.
  5. 404 HTTP Error When a webpage is not found on a server. You see this when an entered url is either removed temporarily or permanently and hence not available at that location.
  6. 405 HTTP Error The method specified in the request is not allowed. When a browser sends a request, a number of methods like OPTIONS, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc might b used. They play a specific role in sending and retrieval of data. This error is displayed when there is some problem with with any of these methods.
  7. 406 HTTP Error When a server generate a response that is not accepted by the client. Every data byte has specific MIME, charset, language and many other characteristics which must be complying to the browser characteristics.
  8. 407 HTTP Error When a server data must be authorized by proxy server to pass through. This error appears when the server thinks that request sent from browser is correct but proxy authentication is not provided. It means a user must provide his/her id and take permission from proxy server to access data from server.
  9. 408 HTTP Error When a server takes too long to respond to a browser request. In technical terms, it means that there is too much delay in between sending of request and retrieval of response (if any).
  10. 409 HTTP Error When a request fail to complete due to a conflict. Its appears when a request submitted fail to comply with the rules laid by the server. You see such an error when you try to upload a file older than what’s already existing on the server.
  11. 410 HTTP Error Webpage is no longer available. Its similar to Error 404.
  12. 411 HTTP Error When content length is not defined; server rejects requests with unspecified content length.
  13. 412 HTTP Error When the request fail to abide by the ‘precondition’ specification laid by the server.
  14. 413 HTTP Error When size of payload is too large for the server to quench. It might occur when a large sized file is uploaded.
  15. 414 HTTP Error When the requested url is too long. It might be due to long GET and POST in the requested url.
  16. 415 HTTP Error When a server rejects a request due to unsupported media file type or unsupported HTTP Protocol.

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