Thursday, April 26, 2012

How Google search algorithm is applied to blogs and webpages

Google search algorithm is a mystery and nobody knows exactly how it works. It considers as many as 200 factors while displaying the search results for a particular search query entered by user. In this tutorial we try and understand how Google search algorithm is applied to webpages and decide its position in search results.
When a query is entered in Google search it’s executed by the algorithm to display most relevant results back to the user.
Google search algorithm applied to blogs and webpages
example showing how Google analyses a webpage against a query

Checking webpage title

Search engines first check the title of webpages saved in its database and check if it matches the entered search query. If a word matching the query is found it’s marked in bold letters in the search results page. Title must include some high traffic keywords in it.

Comparing keywords with content

title, meta keyword and content for making SEOed blog
keyword priority moves from left to right in descending order
Next the algorithm check the keyword provided in meta information and start weighing the content as per the keyword density. First word in the meta keyword information is usually the most important one and occur more frequently than other keywords. Keyword priority decreases as we move from left to right. Google search algorithm follows the same rule to analyse the webpage content.
The content must include more and more keywords and should be repeated as many times as possible. Simple, easy to understand content is favored by search engines.

Checking backlinks

Then Google looks for the number of inbound links to that particular webpage/blog. Called as backlinks, these links are weighed as votes for the blog. Larger the number of links to a blog, higher will be its search engine ranking position (SERP). Backlinks are roughly measured in points between 0 and 10, and is called as pagerank value. If a blog is of good quality more sites would link to it, this increases the pagerank of the blog and its SERP improve. Building backlinks takes time and is among the deciding factors for the webpage performance.
Considering all these aspects Google search algorithm analyze the webpage content and weigh it to find the relevancy to the search query entered by the user.

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